1 bag of food, 1 bottle of water lasts ONE snail about 2 hours. 
Food + Water Stack when you add it in the bowl (Goes up to 1000%+ Storage)
Snails need to eat, drink, and sleep or else they will run away!
Manually collect, or leave it up to your snails to grab coin and stars to obtain money to buy more snails and paintbrushes to customize furniture and change your snails colors!
Snails randomly generate personalities, you can tell by their thoughts :)
Collect snails, sell snails, and keep your favorites :)

Update 1.0.2 - Save game implemented (somewhat buggy, hues may change, sorry!)

Coming soon : Names, more furniture, the ability to check food and water storage level (besides the graphics for 100, 75, 50, and 0 percent.)

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